There is a new licensing scheme for Spanish-speaking countries called
“ColorIuris: Colores de Autor”, literary Author’s Colours.

This page was created by a law firm in Spain under the assumption that all sorts of open licences (including Creative Commons) are incompatible with Continental traditions based on the droit d’auteur. This is a very common criticism that I have been hearing coming from critics of the licences.



Erick Iriarte Ahon · November 6, 2005 at 7:03 pm

And which is the answer a this critics?


Andres Guadamuz · November 7, 2005 at 6:56 am

That there is no such conflict 🙂


fernand0 · June 8, 2006 at 3:43 am

Color Iuris includes (as CC do) open licences. The main difference with cc licenses (I'm not a lawyer, sorry, maybe my words are not correct; and I'm neither a native English speaker) is that Color Iuris are contracts (that can be signed by both parts) instead of unilateral licenses (that are accepted -or not- in a tacit way). They are inspired in the continental law tradition and we are working on the translation to other languages: English, German, French, … Of course, following this tradition, they are respectful with the 'moral rights' that are not included in the original version of creative commons.


Andres Guadamuz · June 12, 2006 at 2:03 am

Hola Fernando,Me parece interesante la propuesta, pero tengo ciertos problemas con el ColorIuris. Me parece que algo que requeira tantas formalidades no va a obtener el apoyo que tiene algo tan fácil de usar como Creative Commons, principalmente cuando consideramos que ya existen versiones "nacionales" de las licencias en gran cantidad de países. Sin embargo, mucha suerte a Color Iuris.


fernand0 · June 13, 2006 at 3:09 pm

Bueno :). No todo le sirve a todo el mundo, pero es bueno que haya variedad y diversidad. Y también es bueno que haya alternativas que no sean usa-céntricas y que valoren otras posibilidades.


Andres Guadamuz · June 14, 2006 at 1:10 am

Yo también estoy seguro que la diversidad es buena. Saludos y la mejor de las suertes.

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