Digital Britain

The final Digital Britain report was released yesterday. It is long, filled with something for everyone, from digital radio to a new broadband strategy. Some interesting commentary already from panGloss, Charles Arthur, Chris Marsden, and TorrentFreak. The report will be dissected by Internet pundits in the following days, but I Read more…

Respecting fan use

After yesterday’s rant about journalists, it is fair that we highlight informed commentary. Billy Bragg has written a refreshing article calling on the music industry not to penalise fans with their misguided 3-strikes strategy. He comments that: “Stating that a “write and sue” policy will not work is an admission Read more…

Twitter panic

xkcd once again demonstrates keen insight into new technologies. I’m not really worried about swine flu. Now, if it was the dreaded alpaca pox, things would be different. By the way, if you think that this is an exaggeration, check out the hash tag #swineflu.