QR Code

I’ve been playing with QR codes. If you have a mobile phone with a QR Reader, use your mobile phone camera on this picture. The word convergence keeps popping up in my head. Adding: You can also generate text:

The predictive power of computers

I have always been interested in the depiction of computers in popular fiction. One early computer meme represented the percentage crunching computer/robot that would helpfully tell the protagonists the percentage rate of survival for X situation (“You have a 2% chance to survive that jump”). While computer predictions are not Read more…

Travel and "open" wifi

It’s been quiet here in TechnoLlama for a while after knit-gate and the story about gold spammer executions being picked up by the always excellent Terra Nova. I am now off to Brazil for a conference, and as a reluctant traveller and Internet addict I am always very interested in Read more…