It’s GikII time

GikII returns! Wait, we’ve tried that one before. GikII Strikes Back! Nah, George Lucas does not deserve it. Thy Geek Will Be Done! Better… After three successful runs dealing with the legal implications of Harry Potter, tattoos, knitted Daleks, Buffy avatars (or was it Angel’s avatar?), robots behaving badly, and Read more…

SCRIPTed Conference CFP

“Governance Of New Technologies: The Transformation Of Medicine, Information Technology And Intellectual Property”An International Interdisciplinary Conference March 29-31, 2009University of Edinburgh CALL FOR PAPERS Those interested in presenting a paper at the “Governance of New Technologies” conference should email Authors should identify the conference title in the subject line Read more…

Question of Sport

Questions of Sport: What are the Legal Rights and Wrongs?1 Day Conference to be held at Hawthorn Suite, Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, UK To celebrate the first anniversary of the announcement that the Commonwealth Games are coming to Scotland, and with the London Olympic Games looming large, Edinburgh Law School is Read more…

COMMUNIA Workshop in Amsterdam

Marking the public domain: relinquishment & certification” – this is the title of the 3rd COMMUNIA Workshop to be held in Amsterdam on 20-21 October 2008. The workshop will address the legal, economical and technical issues related to certifying public domain works and relinquishing intellectual property rights in Europe. The Read more…